Have you ever wanted to fly a plane or helicopter, but lacked the money or ability to do so? Are you a real pilot looking to improve your skills without having to take off? Do you want to try some dangerous maneuvers without risking your life? Or do you just want to have fun with a more serious game without any violence? If any of these questions apply then FlightProSim™ is perfect for you.
Test Your Skills by Flying Different Planes
Currently you can fly the 1903 Wright Flyer, strange flapping wing "Ornithopters", a 747, A320, various military jets and several light singles.
Fly Different Helicopters
Fly a medical helicopter and land on a remote snow covered mountain, or how about taking charge with the latest military Westland Lynx. The choice is yours...
Real Life Helicopter Handling
In principle everything that applies to real helicopters,applies in this simulator.
Land at Your Local Airport
20,000 + real world airports in the full scenery set.
Why Not Fly over Your House?
With coverage of the whole world you can fly over your house, your local school or even visit your long lost aunt. The destinations are endless...
World Wide Scenery
Accurate Worldwide scenery coverage of the entire world (available separately)
Realistic Night Lighting
Fly at night with the help of ground lighting from urban areas and headlights of oncoming cars on major highways. This is all based on real life maps.
Test You Skill:
You will never get bored with 20,000+ real world airports, 100+ life like planes and scenery coverage of the entire world.
Realistic Controls
All the controls model actual real world instrument behavior. The instruments that lag in real life, lag correctly, gyro drift is modeled correctly, the magnetic compass is subject to aircraft body forces - all those things that make real world flying a challenge are present in FlightProSim™
Correct Airport Runway Lighting
Correct runway markings, placement and approach lighting. Directional airport lighting that smoothly changes intensity as your relative view direction changes.
Taxiway Lighting
Taxiways available for many larger airports (including green center line lights when appropriate)
Real Life Runway Elevation
Sloping runways (runways change elevation like they usually do in real life)
Scenery based on Actual Military Data
Scenery includes all vmap0 lakes, rivers, roads, railroads, cities, towns, land cover...
Work with other flight fans to fly in formation, do acrobatics or for air - air refueling
Real time Integration with Google Maps
A Google Maps based service shows you exactly where your are in respect to the rest of the live players.
Realistic 3D Cockpit views
Each plane has a realistic 3D cockpit where you can control everything from releasing the brakes to raising the wheels.
Have you ever wanted to land on a Aircraft Carrier?
There is currently support for Aircraft Carrier operations on the Nimitz, (located near San Francisco) and on The Eisenhower. The carriers are equipped with a working catapult, arrestor wires, elevators, TACAN and FLOL.
Show off your flying skills
Keep improving with the ability to record your flight for later analysis or playback.
Want to try Air-Air Refueling?
At present, there are two tanker aircraft (KC135-E and KA6-D) and three receiving aircraft (A4F, Lightning and T38) capable of in-air refueling.
Fly with the help of Autopilot
An autopilot is not an “intelligent” pilot. It just takes over simple tasks for the pilot.
Scenery Sets Included to get you started
You receive the San Francisco Bay and Pacific area maps. Other world areas available to be purchased separately.
All from the thriving Open Source Community, this software is forever changing.
Shared and Open Source code.
As a FlightProSim™ member you receive a copy of the full source code. This lets you really enhance your flying experience and to receive the full benifits of an Open Source project. Full source files are also available in our developers area.
Moderate Computer Requirements
Designed to run on any modern computer running
Win 95/Win 98/2000/ME/XP/Vista/Windows 7 (32 and 64 bit versions now supported)
Free Open Graphics Drivers also required.
Over 20 planes to get you started + Another 100+ More FREE
This software includes over 20 planes to get you started. The 100+ other planes can be downloaded for FREE in the members area.
Ongoing Support
We want you to have an enjoyable flying experience, yet we also know their may be times that you get stuck. We offer ongoing support to ensure you stay in the air.
100% Free Updates / Upgrades
Never pay again, you always receive the latest releases for FREE.
Test Your Skills by Flying Different Planes
Currently you can fly the 1903 Wright Flyer, strange flapping wing "Ornithopters", a 747, A320, various military jets and several light singles.
Fly Different Helicopters
Fly a medical helicopter and land on a remote snow covered mountain, or how about taking charge with the latest military Westland Lynx. The choice is yours...
Real Life Helicopter Handling
In principle everything that applies to real helicopters,applies in this simulator.
Land at Your Local Airport
20,000 + real world airports in the full scenery set.
Why Not Fly over Your House?
With coverage of the whole world you can fly over your house, your local school or even visit your long lost aunt. The destinations are endless...
World Wide Scenery
Realistic Night Lighting
Fly at night with the help of ground lighting from urban areas and headlights of oncoming cars on major highways. This is all based on real life maps.
Test You Skill:
You will never get bored with 20,000+ real world airports, 100+ life like planes and scenery coverage of the entire world.
Realistic Controls
All the controls model actual real world instrument behavior. The instruments that lag in real life, lag correctly, gyro drift is modeled correctly, the magnetic compass is subject to aircraft body forces - all those things that make real world flying a challenge are present in FlightProSim™
Correct Airport Runway Lighting
Correct runway markings, placement and approach lighting. Directional airport lighting that smoothly changes intensity as your relative view direction changes.
Taxiway Lighting
Taxiways available for many larger airports (including green center line lights when appropriate)
Real Life Runway Elevation
Sloping runways (runways change elevation like they usually do in real life)
Scenery based on Actual Military Data
Scenery includes all vmap0 lakes, rivers, roads, railroads, cities, towns, land cover...
Work with other flight fans to fly in formation, do acrobatics or for air - air refueling
Real time Integration with Google Maps
A Google Maps based service shows you exactly where your are in respect to the rest of the live players.
Realistic 3D Cockpit views
Each plane has a realistic 3D cockpit where you can control everything from releasing the brakes to raising the wheels.
Have you ever wanted to land on a Aircraft Carrier?
There is currently support for Aircraft Carrier operations on the Nimitz, (located near San Francisco) and on The Eisenhower. The carriers are equipped with a working catapult, arrestor wires, elevators, TACAN and FLOL.
Show off your flying skills
Keep improving with the ability to record your flight for later analysis or playback.
Want to try Air-Air Refueling?
At present, there are two tanker aircraft (KC135-E and KA6-D) and three receiving aircraft (A4F, Lightning and T38) capable of in-air refueling.
Fly with the help of Autopilot
An autopilot is not an “intelligent” pilot. It just takes over simple tasks for the pilot.
Scenery Sets Included to get you started
You receive the San Francisco Bay and Pacific area maps. Other world areas available to be purchased separately.
All from the thriving Open Source Community, this software is forever changing.
Shared and Open Source code.
As a FlightProSim™ member you receive a copy of the full source code. This lets you really enhance your flying experience and to receive the full benifits of an Open Source project. Full source files are also available in our developers area.
Moderate Computer Requirements
Designed to run on any modern computer running
Win 95/Win 98/2000/ME/XP/Vista/Windows 7 (32 and 64 bit versions now supported)
Free Open Graphics Drivers also required.
Over 20 planes to get you started + Another 100+ More FREE
This software includes over 20 planes to get you started. The 100+ other planes can be downloaded for FREE in the members area.
Ongoing Support
We want you to have an enjoyable flying experience, yet we also know their may be times that you get stuck. We offer ongoing support to ensure you stay in the air.
100% Free Updates / Upgrades
Never pay again, you always receive the latest releases for FREE.
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