his is the same power the shamans, medicine men and mystics have used since time began. Now you can access this same power for yourself. Here is how I discovered it...
Late one December I was seriously ill. My heart's rhythms were constantly changing. My pulse would spontaneously skyrocket two or three times a day. My eyes would lose focus while my mind would race with fear. I became lost in a sea of physical trauma.
One evening I was lying on the couch - my little world for those last months because I could barely move - and I felt an overwhelming sense of peace. My body felt strangely wonderful. I walked into the where my wife was cooking in the kitchen and said, "I think I am well. I even walked in here." She saw it differently. She couldn't understand a word I said, because to her, I was slurring my speech. "That's odd...", I thought. She helped me back to the couch. As I started to lay back down, the next surprise happened... suddenly I was looking down at myself from above the room. I could hear the conversations all around me... neighbors talking, phones ringing.
I next found myself in a nondescript space and felt a Presence... profound, powerful, gentle, loving... but yet somehow familiar. I was surrounded with an unusual feeling of going home. This Presence expressed to me that I had a purpose to complete, and offered me a choice... I could return to my body or continue into the Light.
The peace and joy of going on to the Light pulled me as if I were a moth. Strangely, it felt like I had chosen this Light before... but this time I didn't. I realized if I didn't complete what I had come to this world to do, I would have yet another lifetime. I decided to come back.
The recovery process was anything but usual. It was very difficult for me to be in crowds. The energy from all the people was like electrical jolts to my body. The overload caused me to shake uncontrollably.
But, What Exactly Was I Here To Do?
I thought coming out of this experience I could complete this life purpose like a superman, and I would no longer have the earthly obstacles to overcome. Was I wrong! For three or four months, I struggled to understand my purpose. So what was I here to be, and how was I supposed to fulfill a purpose I didn't fully understand?
There were also powerful positive changes my brush with the beyond. My sense of life was deeply awakened. The voice of intuition roared loudly. I was given insights into my life and I understood what some of the ancient mysteries were trying to tell us. I came to realize it was this voice that I had to call on to ask what my purpose was and why I existed - and it didn't disappoint me.
This voice has provided answers to my most pressing questions, not just those about my life's purpose. The most exciting thing I learned was that this voice is available to each of us anytime. Anyone can learn how to access it to get answers to their most profound questions.
Late one December I was seriously ill. My heart's rhythms were constantly changing. My pulse would spontaneously skyrocket two or three times a day. My eyes would lose focus while my mind would race with fear. I became lost in a sea of physical trauma.
One evening I was lying on the couch - my little world for those last months because I could barely move - and I felt an overwhelming sense of peace. My body felt strangely wonderful. I walked into the where my wife was cooking in the kitchen and said, "I think I am well. I even walked in here." She saw it differently. She couldn't understand a word I said, because to her, I was slurring my speech. "That's odd...", I thought. She helped me back to the couch. As I started to lay back down, the next surprise happened... suddenly I was looking down at myself from above the room. I could hear the conversations all around me... neighbors talking, phones ringing.
I next found myself in a nondescript space and felt a Presence... profound, powerful, gentle, loving... but yet somehow familiar. I was surrounded with an unusual feeling of going home. This Presence expressed to me that I had a purpose to complete, and offered me a choice... I could return to my body or continue into the Light.
The peace and joy of going on to the Light pulled me as if I were a moth. Strangely, it felt like I had chosen this Light before... but this time I didn't. I realized if I didn't complete what I had come to this world to do, I would have yet another lifetime. I decided to come back.
The recovery process was anything but usual. It was very difficult for me to be in crowds. The energy from all the people was like electrical jolts to my body. The overload caused me to shake uncontrollably.
But, What Exactly Was I Here To Do?
I thought coming out of this experience I could complete this life purpose like a superman, and I would no longer have the earthly obstacles to overcome. Was I wrong! For three or four months, I struggled to understand my purpose. So what was I here to be, and how was I supposed to fulfill a purpose I didn't fully understand?
There were also powerful positive changes my brush with the beyond. My sense of life was deeply awakened. The voice of intuition roared loudly. I was given insights into my life and I understood what some of the ancient mysteries were trying to tell us. I came to realize it was this voice that I had to call on to ask what my purpose was and why I existed - and it didn't disappoint me.
This voice has provided answers to my most pressing questions, not just those about my life's purpose. The most exciting thing I learned was that this voice is available to each of us anytime. Anyone can learn how to access it to get answers to their most profound questions.
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